Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So Many Weight Loss Options Out There Right?.......

Ok so first things first, Michael and I went to hear a phenomenal speaker the other night and I want to encourage everybody to google him and his products!  Shan Stratton is an Internationally known Nutritional Consultant, Sports Supplementation Specialist and Motivational Speaker.  Wow he was so awesome and full of amazing information that our community needs to hear.  By the way if anybody from church is reading this he would be an amazing speaker and it would be an honor to have him come to Bethlehem!  Ok here's his run down on just who he works with.  Shan is a Sports Supplementation Consultant who has worked with teams like the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Miami Heat, LA Dodgers and many other Major League Sports Teams.  He has also served as a one-on-one nutritional training consultant for Reggie Jackson, Joe Torre, Randy Johnson and 100's of other Professional athletes.  So..... are you convinced yet he just might know he's stuff?  Well I am!  Stratton has his own supplements called Core Health Products and lucky for us Prescriptions Plus carries them!  Talk to David in the Kings Mountain location or Billy Wease in the Gastonia location.  So siked to get started on these supplements. 

Ok so the next thing I wanted to share is how much our community can learn from Billy and his crew at Prescriptions Plus. This guy knows his stuff too and frequently has free seminars on  
so many different topics regarding our health.  His next seminar is September 22.  One more thing I know all of you who know me already have a clue and have been waiting on me to bring this up but KANGEN WATER IS THE WAY TO GO, CAN I GET A HOLLA!!!!!  HAHAHA!

I'm not getting into all the details today I don't have time but please look it up, research it and get proactive in using this water, I promise it will change your life!  Prescriptions Plus has their next water seminar September 29 and you don't want to miss this!!!!!! 

Fact for the day:  Did you know our metabolism may not be slowing down due to age but in fact because we have poor digestion?  Metabolic rate slows down because we're lacking on enzymes.  Guys we have got to get daily Pro biotics and Enzymes they are two of the most important necessities for supreme health and metabolism!  Let's get educated!  PRO means FOR and BIOTIC means LIFE, makes sense right!  Any infection, throat, ears, bacteria, means pro biotic deficiency. 

One thing I didn't know that Stratton touched on was some facts about our health care in our society.  That we spend $2.7 Trillion on health care a year, ummmm hello!  90% of that is spent on sick care after we're sick.  (Now that's sick!)  This tells me majority of health care professionals are only putting band aids on our health problems and not treating the root of what's actually causing our health issues.  "We need to get Reactive to disease and Proactive to health", Stratton says and I totally agree. 

Ok gotta get to work but wow pretty interesting right?  I'll have some more on these topics in the next couple of days so check back in and let's all learn together how to better our health so we don't have to solely rely on controlled health care, can I get an AMEN!  lol!



  1. Love your Blog Realistic Carrie!!!

  2. Hi Carrie, How are you? Great blog.

    I did get some great info from the seminar. Shan Stratton is a great speaker.

    I would like to thank Billy and his crew at Prescriptions Plus for inviting me.

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs on weight lost options.

    Thank You Carrie
