Monday, April 23, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude Calms the Spirit.........

Matthew 8: 23-27 "Jesus Calms a Storm"

If He can calm the wind and waves then we know without a doubt Jesus will calm our hurting hearts, turn our sorrow into joy and rejoice in new life and new beginnings.

It's so easy to lose the most simple things that we already know!  How awesome it is to be reminded!  "I'm weak in my shoes but strong in His".  Ok for those of you who really know me you know how significant the birds are to me!  They remind me of such a soaring freedom that I continue to seek.  They take me back to my childhood knowing my grandmother and I share that common bond of our love for God's sweet birds.  What a sweet reference God gives us in Matthew 6: 26-27 saying if God takes care of these little creatures what makes us think He won't take care of us!  (vs.27) You can't add any time to your life by worrying about it.

In this busy life with work, family, friends, problems, etc.. sometimes it's just good to STOP and be quiet, just listen and meditate on the path we we're given and the path we're taking.  To know and believe how incredible the power of thankfulness is and how that can give us so much peace!

God's Spirit is such a powerful thing and I'm not one to want to waste it or not embrace it!

Love having moments of clarity and strength!  So awesome that I have the ability to utilize every part of me, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually to bring these things to the surface!  I would like to think of myself as someone who has and can conquer all things  through God's help!  

I simply share my most inner core thoughts to encourage all!  This all brings it back home to taking care of us through, prayer, exercise and healthy diets!  It all plays a part in not only our health but who we are from the inside out!!

Peace be with you today, tomorrow and always!!!!!!!!  Carrie

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